General terms and conditions
When you book the Loft you agree with the following rental and cancellation conditions.
The general terms and conditions apply to LOFT at 7, Route de Raissac in Villedaigne.
1. Booking
You can make a reservation by telephone, through our website, or by mail. This reservation is only
definite upon receipt of 25% of the total rent to be paid within one week after reservation. The remaining amount of the rental fee and a 500 euro caution must be received by LOFT – Powered by Lieu - 6 weeks before the start of the rental period.
When booking within 6 weeks before the arrival date, the total rent must be paid immediately during
the booking process.
The deposit is not refundable, the cancellation policy below applies.
2. Cancellations
Cancellation by tenant
However regrettable, it may happen that your planned trip to France cannot take place due to
unexpected circumstances. We therefore strongly advise you to take out a good cancellation and/or travel insurance. The cancellation of a reservation must be done by e-mail. LOFT – Powered by Lieu - will send a
confirmation of the cancellation upon receipt of your e-mail. For cancellations up to 6 weeks before the start of the rental period, 25% of the rental fee will be charged. For cancellations within 6 weeks before the start of the rental period, 100% of the rental fee will be charged.
Cancellation by LOFT – Powered by Lieu -
If circumstances or force majeure force the owner to cancel the booking, the owner will immediately
inform the tenant. The owner will refund the already paid amount. The tenant has no other right than to reclaim the amount paid by him.
Cancellation due to Covid19
Refunds of deposits or re-scheduling of reservations related to Covid19 will only be done in the
following case:
- In the case of a travel ban enforced by the country of origin and/or by France during the reserved
-In case of a refund related to Covid19, administration costs will be charged. We have to charge €100,-
-You can postpone once per period in which a travel ban applies. When you decide to postpone a
reservation, no administration fees are due. The new date has to be planned within two weeks. The possibility to postpone doesn’t mean you will get a voucher, the new date has to be planned.
-Relocation is always subject to price adjustments applicable for the newly reserved period.
-Postponing is only possible up to a period of 18 months after the start of the initial reservation
3. Guarantee
Complaints in connection with inventory and/or existing damage will be accepted up to 4 hours after your arrival. The complaints can be reported by mail.
Our check of the loft is done at cleaning time. At that time we can determine any damage and/or breakage.
When everything is left in good order and no damage or breakage has been established, the deposit will be returned within two weeks. If the damage exceeds the deposit, the tenant is obliged to transfer the additional payment within two weeks after notification.
4. Liability
The main tenant is liable for damage caused by him/her or co-tenants, even if this damage is detected after his/her departure.
The tenant is requested to take out insurance for damage to third parties, i.e. liability insurance.
The owner is not liable for loss, theft, damage or injury of any kind caused to tenants of the loft.
The owner cannot accept liability for damage caused by natural disasters, nuclear disasters, (terrorist-) attacks, strikes and violent acts.
5. Use of swimming pool and liability
The tenant is responsible for the correct use of the security available at the pool.
The pool is secured when the shutter is closed and the security clips are secured on both sides.
Note: These facilities are tools. At all times, the best security is the attention and supervision of an adult person.
Use of the pool is at your own risk and the landlord is not responsible for accidents or damage.
The pool is only 140cm deep and therefore DIVING IS FORBIDDEN.
The swimming pool is regularly checked and cleaned if necessary. If necessary, the pool can be closed by the owner at any time.
The use and presence of sharp objects in the pool area and pool such as glass, hairpins, stones etc. is not allowed.
6. House rules
The neighbors:
The tenant must ensure that he does not cause any noise nuisance to the neighbors. After 23.00 pm we therefore ask you to respect the neighborhood’s night rest.
The furniture in the loft and the fixed furniture in the courtyard may not be moved.
Open fire in the south of France is prohibited in the months of May to September. Fire at the loft, in the garden, in whatever form, is not allowed. (except in the dedicated BBQ)
It is forbidden to use the loft for parties and/or drinks parties. In case of infringement of this rule, the rental period will be terminated without the tenant having any right to reclaim the remaining rent.
It is forbidden to smoke in the loft.
Restrictions apply. Contact us if you would like to bring a pet.
Maximum number of persons:
The loft can accommodate up to 12 people. It is not allowed to exceed this number under any circumstances. In case of infringement of this rule, the rental agreement is considered to have been dissolved by means of law and access is refused without any right to reclaim restitution of the rent.
One (1) child under 12 months old is not counted as a full-fledged person, but this must be mentioned in advance.
Subletting is not allowed.
Arrival and departure:
The arrival time is after 16.00 pm and the departure time is in any case before 10.00 am. We really need this time to clean the loft for you and other guests.
Final cleaning:
The loft is cleaned for you. However, you as a tenant of the loft, have to leave the loft tidied up. This means the household has been cleaned, the waste is removed, the dishes are put in the dishwasher and/or cupboard and the loft is swept clean.